Tuesday, February 7, 2017

How do I trade

Often times when I think about how I traded or why I traded in a certain way in a certain day its like seeing myself in a environment similar to a control center where I`m switching buttons and taking decisions, some of them in split of seconds, according to the situation in order to win the battle - something like "missile lock" thing. I do have in front of me all the panels required, all the information needed and all the buttons to switch on and off to turn the situation in my favor if needed. Sometimes, some decisions I take can be awfully bad and its of no wonder, this is a hard game and it’s not for the faint of heart as you do have to stay cool in the toughest situations and make your decisions as good as you can. I can choose to trade however I like and most of the times it’s not the market that dictates the way I trade (which might seem strange for some) - the reason for that is that the market, believe it or not, it’s pretty much doing the very same thing every day so I can choose the way to go, I can go safe if I want to or I can go risky, there are very few situations that actually can dictate me the way to go as so called setups are nothing more than random patterns in my view which can turn out to be favorable as often as unfavorable to the trader betting on them.

Going on the safe path means I DO NOT LOSE period. It becomes merely a waiting game with cookies to be taken when they do appear and in this game "cookies" means cash, a lot of cash or small cash depending on the capital the trader has.

Going on the other path where I take multiple risks everyday on the attempt to seriously boost the account - remember I always know what I`m doing and the risks are willingly taken - triggers the possible drawdown’s which in the old days could mean the wipe-out of the account –large bet, large leverage and deadly wrong direction (now not possible due to the last 20%, check my previous post)

Today, in the morning I was bored of hunting cookies – I was so since last night when I could have gained a lot more than I did for yesterday – so I said I will get a serious % boost on my equity but due to a mistake it did not work, a trade was opened without me knowing why and believing is a mistake I got in the defence mode to check to code and whatever parameters might have trigger it – it turned out to be a valid trade except the alert trigger failed to pop up.

Soooo...the result of the day, well I was aiming for a lot and lost a little (in the middle of the day when I`m writing this – I still have another half of day) which is not bad at all, every time I aim for a small gain I get a small gain up until when small gains start to piss me off.

And btw, I will try to “become” just be patient and thank you for your time.

When we speak of traders/markets/money there are two words we must keep in mind: clean and never-ending so when speaking about matching a professional trader you need those to be able to be in your best possible situation which is at most ==. I have an advice to all, if you do have currently a lot of cash, which I currently lack I send an open invitation play them in the markets but remember the reason that many traders are millionaires is that they started as billionaires do not say you have not been warned. Please read the disclaimer.

Some might remember the compound interest.

And at the end of the day, with me thinking at love and not paying attention to the market I lost, OMG a losing day -0.20%. This would be the first losing day in a while...a 2 weeks while I guess, 2 weeks of tiny profits between 0.20 and 3%. You see, some are spending while some are compounding. If you ask me the latest is the smart one.

Kind regards,

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