Thursday, February 16, 2017

About me

Maybe I should tell more about me in a post here aside from what you see in the right bar of this blog. I am a trader, that is what I do first and foremost and I can live out of it better than 99% of earth population as the markets do provide enough liquidity to be able to do that anytime my capital allows it. Aside from that I have a store which currently acts like main income as my capital does not allow me to live out of the market. I love my store, its what kept me on the track for a much higher purpose and I will always be grateful to it and the people behind as I always am with people that provide me with any kind of support. I have a cat that I found on the road and could not let there, I love that cat also as I do love animals in general. I also love dogs, horses and mostly any other creature as long as it does not bite me sting me or harm me in any way as probably all of you do, its only natural and probably depends on the heart. I do have most likely a soft heart and sometimes I listen to it and find myself in trouble but you see that`s the only soft part you will ever find at me and I also have a brain which takes me out of trouble after solving it. I also have weaknesses one of it is proud, its a weakness and a strength in the same time as it is the thing that makes me feel bad if you step on it but its also the thing that makes me unbreakable (that and my special market abilities), together they do make me realize how small some people actually are. I am a man that is very hard to trick, you need to touch the heart for that anything that does not do that does not trick me even if you think it does. I always follow my purpose, purpose that most times is invisible so when you think you won it is true, you won everything I don`t care for and I won everything I care for in the same time... most of the time, with most people that does not step on my pride and when they do be sure its not over. I live and lived more than most people can say about living, I always do and always did whatever I like ever since I was a kid and that will never change, that was my purpose and that is what living is. I`ll follow and push things much more farther that you think is possible, I never forget nor forgive big things and I always forget and forgive small things. I do not react to the "pennies", its what most of you count and live for and that is why our interests will seldom cross. I am a honest man when you are honest and I am a honest man when you are not and that because most likely your lack of honesty did not affect me in any way, you thought it did but the truth is like I said I won what I cared for and leaved you the "pennies". There is a lot of "I" and in the end maybe that is the thing, its all around that and with that in the center...btw there is also another special thing "A.I" :)) that I could not miss mentioning in this post.

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